Once we left Wizard Academy, we were so enthusiastic that we decided to do another escape room immediately afterwards, always with Evasion’s hosts: Valentino, who advised us in choosing the room, trying to understand our preferences without putting ourselves in a hurry (which made us very happy, considering they had more rooms to follow at that time), and Vanessa, who still assisted us as a Master.

We moved from the magical enchanted atmosphere, made up of bewitched furnishings and potions, to the dark and thriller tones of an investigation that takes place inside the Guantanamo prison. The reproduction of the environments is amazing: the sounds and noises generate a sense of anxiety and Vanessa made my anxiety even worse real during the briefing telling us interesting details about the plot. I was so agitated and taken by the experience that during the game I had fear of someone would really arrive behind me, so I blocked the way behind me.

The logic of the game is quite linear, even if sometimes tiresome; not difficult puzzles, but actually they give an hard time when attempted to be resolved by only two people. It is very important, indispensable I’d say, the communication and teamwork, especially in the first part of the game, that will really make the difference.

In fact, the minimum number of players indicated for the room is 4; Xand and myself escaped on our own and it was actually pretty cool. There was even a moment when, honestly, I thought we would not make it, but thanks to our tenacity, a final sprint and, above all to a stroke of genius from Xand, we came out 30 seconds before the time ran out. Once out, Vanessa greeted us saying “Great! You did it!”, I was still incredulous and could not take it as victory, but when the endgame-alarm sounded, I started to believe.

As you might have understood, this room is actually tough. I would recommend it to groups of at least 3 or 4 people if beginners. Overall if you look for strong emotions, thrilling riddles and a fun challenge this room is just for you.

The difficulty on the web-site is 5 of 5.

Your mission begins, a dark and gloomy place awaits you. Only the most prepared recruits will have access to the top secret arm of one of the world’s most fearsome prisons.

Following the mysterious escape of the famous multiple murderer Thomas Lee Clark, you have been hired to end the manhunt. Be careful though, something might not go the right way. From predator to prey, the thread is thin …

from 4 to 8 people.



Evasion Escape Room

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