from 2 to 8 travellers.

1st generation.

Adventure, Fantasy

La Casa degli Enigmi

Second adventure with the hosts of La Casa degli Enigmi, in Brescia. After exiting from The Secret of the Templars, we throw ourselves headlong into another story. Andrea, still our Master takes us through this fantastic new journey among amidst oddities, sweets and jumping rabbits: Once upon a time.

The scenography, however, is simple and effective, completely functional to both the story and the riddles; in this room, nothing is the result of a coincidence nor simple furnishing.

Andrea is a very scrupulous Master, so even when we completed the game he wanted to walk us through all the puzzles and game objects, allowing us to appreciate even more all the features of the room. The logic of the room is mainly non-consequential, so I believe that the best approach is to divide the tasks. As a style, we have an almost exclusive use of the first generation 🔒, although, being in a “Wonderland”, I would expected a few more second-generation elements.

The room itself isn’t difficult and the puzzles are well suited to the game, but there are many of them and, in some cases, once you solved the puzzle it takes some time to actually apply the solution which at some point it might be felt like wasting time but overall is fun.

Some tips: the room is available to be played in English and doesn’t require special motor skills. Very fun and playful, therefore also highly recommended for children and novice escapers.

Success rate 4%.

You are in another age and in another place, which you have no memory. Yet, something is familiar to you … Suddenly you realize you are prisoners in the White Rabbit’s lair. He is the one who dictates the rules. Abandon dogmas and face everything with a spirit of adventure. Time will flow inexorably and you will only have 60 minutes to return to real life!

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