Ethics and Conditions

The contents published on this website are our property and reproduction, even partial, is prohibited without our prior consent.

The reviews on this website and its main social channels (Instagram, Facebook) are the result of our direct personal experience and therefore contain only our opinions.

Our goal is to share our experiences without “spoil” other players experiences. We carefully check the information on the master’s website before and during our review writing, whenever we make any specific reference about the room is because the same information can be gathered from the master’s website and/or from its related social channels (photos, videos, descriptions, other public reviews).

We can’t keep regularly checking all master’s websites therefore we might miss any specific update and a review might have already been posted with a reference no longer available from the source therefore the Masters are invited to report any content that is considered spoiler via the address by inserting in the subject of the e-mail: “Spoiler”, once we receive the communication the matter will be handled with urgency and as first the published article will be temporarily blacked out on all social networks and from the website for review.

We do not accept any requests for solutions on the rooms reviewed, nor will we give suggestions on how to possibly bypass some enigma; if you think cheating to win and get out of a room is rewarding, you should let it go.

Good escape everyone!